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Lexington Women's Garden

~A Place to Honor the Women who Build our Community.

Katsina was unveiled May, 2018 at Wellington Park in Lexington, Kentucky.


The Artemis Initiative is proud to partner with the Lexington Women's Recognition Garden, located in Wellington Park, part of the LFUCG  Division of Parks and Recreation. The Lexington Women's Garden Board of Directors has chosen to honor all women with a Bronze Sculpture central to their wonderful garden. They chose a 6' bronze sculpture of Katsina - who was also the inspiration for the Artemis Initiative! 

Katsina: Honoring All Women

Katsina 3 view.jpg

Katsina is the name for wooden doll, carved by the Hopi Indians, and given to girls beginning in infancy and on dance day ceremonies to help them learn about their responsibilities as women in the community. In the Hopi tradition, Katsina means “messenger between humans and the spirit world”.


Katsina beckons the power and beauty of nature in female form, looks to the sky for her inspiration, and needs no intermediary to express her wisdom, intellect, grace, and gifts. 


Katsina is the Sacred Dancer.


She hears and understands the music of the Universe and dances in rhythm with the elements, while moving throughout time and existence. She moves with reason and enlightenment. She dances to the songs of all ancient religions while knowing that she and the stars and the trees are all sculpted from the same source and contain the same life. 

A Message from the Lexington Women's Recognition Garden

It is our dream to have a beautiful, peaceful and alive place to honor the women who have made Lexington Kentucky such a wonderful place to live and work. The vision is for the garden to be a place for the therapeutic and educational enjoyment of nature, to meet friends and neighbors, and an inspiration for future generations of community builders. 

We are planting native flowers, shrubs, tress, kitchen and healing herbs and other plant materials suggested and approved by the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Division of Parks and Recreation. This is truly a community project and we want everyone to enjoy the pleasure of the process. 

If you would like to receive garden news, join in work days or fun community activities, send your contact information to:


Victoria Meyer




565 Wellington Way

Lexington, Kentucky

Special thanks to our Funding Partners:

Bluegrass Community Foundation

KY Foundation for Women

E.C. Matthews Company


LFUCG, Lexington City Council

Victoria and Lee Meyer

Lexington Women's Recognition Garden

Kentucky American Water

Baptist Health Lexington

Debbie Stoops

Sutherland & Associates

Poage Engineering


Cindy Praska

Patty & Jim Strange

Sandra & Larry Rice

Lynn & Tony English

Jennifer Mossotti

Toni Rodgers

Ann Garrity

Carolyn & Bob Barbera

Andrew Dieruf

Patricia Kremers

Foster Ockerman

Lee Meyer

​© 2022 by The Artemis Initiative, a Public Charity Organization exempt under IRS Code, Section 501(c)(3).

Website Developer: Audrey Matthews-Fields 


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